Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Holiday Jams

We've decided to hold two jams over the next three weeks. We'll have jams this Sunday the 21st and two Sundays later, the 4th of January, but no jam the 28th of December. We'll hold these two holiday jams at a different location, Om Studio, which is at 218 N. 4th Avenue, suite 204, Ann Arbor, 48104. It's right next to and above the People's Food Coop--if you're looking at the Coop door, the entrance is to the left. We'll meet at the usual time, from 1-3PM. We may have a beginner jam on the 4th, but we haven't decided that yet. As always, beginners are welcome to any jam.

In summary:
December 21st, jam 1-3PM, Om Studio
December 28th, no jam
January 4th, jam 1-3PM, Om Studio

Hope to see you there!

Friday, December 5, 2008

First Sunday Intro Class

This Sunday we'll have our monthly first Sunday intro class. I'll teach a class on "cradling"--the essence of supporting another person so well that they feel cradled. It'll happen from 1-2 Sunday, with open jam to follow from 2-3:30 at the usual place, 1785 W. Stadium Blvd. 48103. Dance forever!