Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Holiday Jams

We've decided to hold two jams over the next three weeks. We'll have jams this Sunday the 21st and two Sundays later, the 4th of January, but no jam the 28th of December. We'll hold these two holiday jams at a different location, Om Studio, which is at 218 N. 4th Avenue, suite 204, Ann Arbor, 48104. It's right next to and above the People's Food Coop--if you're looking at the Coop door, the entrance is to the left. We'll meet at the usual time, from 1-3PM. We may have a beginner jam on the 4th, but we haven't decided that yet. As always, beginners are welcome to any jam.

In summary:
December 21st, jam 1-3PM, Om Studio
December 28th, no jam
January 4th, jam 1-3PM, Om Studio

Hope to see you there!

Friday, December 5, 2008

First Sunday Intro Class

This Sunday we'll have our monthly first Sunday intro class. I'll teach a class on "cradling"--the essence of supporting another person so well that they feel cradled. It'll happen from 1-2 Sunday, with open jam to follow from 2-3:30 at the usual place, 1785 W. Stadium Blvd. 48103. Dance forever!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Thanksgiving Jam

Just in case you were wondering, we definitely will have a jam the Sunday after Thanksgiving, the 30th of November, at the usual time and place (see sidebar). Hope you have a great Thanksgiving, and hope to roll around with you soon!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Our weekly jams continue, and a local contacter, Cara, will be performing some solo work soon. Hope you can make it:

invites you to

Interwoven Performance Portraits

By: Cara Graninger, Peter Putnam,
Julie Rosier & Ce'Ann Yates

WHEN: November 20 and 22, 2008
TIMES: Thursday and Saturday @ 7:30PM
THEATER: Marlene Boll Theatre, inside the Boll Family YMCA
LOCATION: 1401 Broadway, Downtown Detroit map

Both showings are open to the public and
FREE of charge

The Story Owners Collective announces a brand new form of personal story-telling theater. THE RED THREAD provides a rare intimate look into the heart and minds of four Detroit artists. The play uses personal narrative to honor individual journeys while revealing social interconnectedness. An ancient Chinese proverb speaks of an invisible red thread of destiny, which connects all humans to each other. It is said that this magical cord may tangle or stretch but will never break.

Read more about the process at the Boggs Center Blog
Help spread the word about grassroots theater in Detroit by finding us on
Facebook, forwarding this invitation, or distributing/ posting attached fliers and postcards.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Beginner class this Sunday

This Sunday our jam will be back at the regular place, the Mind Body Spirit Academe, and I will teach a beginner class for the first hour or so entitled "The Bone Dance" as taught to me by Tamin Totzke. It's a great exploration of how the body moves, and it led to some really fun dances at this year's GLACIER in Wisconsin in September. If you know anyone interested in getting started, please send them our way!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Different Location This Sunday

This Sunday the 26th, we'll meet at the same time as usual, 1-3PM, but, for just this week, we will meet at the gorgeous new A2 Yoga space at 2030 Commerce, 48103. It's just down the road from the usual location. Take Stadium to Federal, which is near the post office. Go left, pass the post office, up the hill past a large, unmarked parking lot, to the building at the top of the hill. It's a brand-new space, so there's no sign yet, and you can't see the address until you're right near it, but if you get to the SelectRide/Yellow Cab office, you've gone one driveway too far. There is parking right in front and to the right of the building.

Here's a map to the location:,+48103&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=38.365962,67.324219&ie=UTF8&ll=42.270116,-83.776932&spn=0.008765,0.016437&z=16&g=2030+Commerce,+48103&iwloc=addr

Here's A2's website:

Hope to see you there!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

Beginner class this Sunday

We'll try to have a monthly beginner class again this year. It seemed to work well last year to help people feel more welcome (hi to those it worked for--you know who you are!). Richard will teach this Sunday, October 5th from 1-2 ish, then we have the space an extra half-hour, until 3:30, to get enough jam time in. Hope to see you soon!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Back on for Fall!

Hi Dancers! After a Summer of travels, performances, and impromptu jams, we're starting our weekly Jam again in the Fall. We'll meet every Sunday from 1-3 at the Mind-Body-Spirit Academe, with a beginner class the first Sunday of each month beginning in October. Hope to see you there!

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

New jam location this weekend!

This weekend's jam has been changed to another great event in Detroit. We'll meet at the Concert of Colors, an amazing weekend of music from around the world. We'll plan to dance from 12-2. See for more details.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Summer Schedule

We've decided to have a more limited schedule for the summer since so many people will be out of town. There'll be one jam per month for June, July, and August. The next jam will be at the Detroit Festival of the Arts on the lawn of the DIA at 11AM on June 8. See for more info on the other great things going on at the festival.

The next jam will be in Ann Arbor on Sunday July 20th at the usual time, 1-3PM. We'll let you know the location as soon as we know. For August, we're still deciding on a date, but we'll let you know that soon as well. Hope to dance with you soon!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Jam this Sunday, 18th of May! Stay tuned for info for the summer--we'll be scheduling monthly jams on specific days when we know at least a minimum number of us will be in town. See you soon!

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

This Sunday, the 4th of May, we'll have our first Sunday of the month class, taught by Eva. It'll be her first soirée into teaching Contact Improv, but she has been dancing for a long time and is a *teacher* by profession, so it should be a great class. Hope to see you there!

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Jam Sunday April 27th

This Sunday we'll jam from 1-3 as usual. We're still figuring out who will teach on the first Sunday in May, but we hope to have a beginner class that day. I'll let you know. See you soon!

Monday, April 14, 2008

Hopefully, all the information people need to find us is here. I think the blog format will show up on searches more easily than the old website, which will be redirected here soon. Also, here multiple people can post with news or info without having to have access to the old website's password or knowing html. I'll try to post every week with the status of the next week's jam. If anyone has any comments or would like to be invited as a poster, please let me know.

On Sunday the 20th, we'll have the jam as usual. Hope you can make it!