Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Different Location This Sunday

This Sunday the 26th, we'll meet at the same time as usual, 1-3PM, but, for just this week, we will meet at the gorgeous new A2 Yoga space at 2030 Commerce, 48103. It's just down the road from the usual location. Take Stadium to Federal, which is near the post office. Go left, pass the post office, up the hill past a large, unmarked parking lot, to the building at the top of the hill. It's a brand-new space, so there's no sign yet, and you can't see the address until you're right near it, but if you get to the SelectRide/Yellow Cab office, you've gone one driveway too far. There is parking right in front and to the right of the building.

Here's a map to the location:,+48103&sll=37.0625,-95.677068&sspn=38.365962,67.324219&ie=UTF8&ll=42.270116,-83.776932&spn=0.008765,0.016437&z=16&g=2030+Commerce,+48103&iwloc=addr

Here's A2's website:

Hope to see you there!