Monday, November 22, 2010

Upcoming weekend of improv classes; jams jammin'!

IMPROVISATION & IMAGE-MAKING Workshop with David Lakein

We are moving… here and now… creating material…

We are improvising… in time and space… making images…

How can we identify the constant impulses around~inside us? How can we include the abundance of stimuli confronting us in each moment, rather than be distracted or overwhelmed by them? How can the ever-present flow of information further reveal the timing and quality of our material, the narrative and resonance of our images?

We investigate compositional options available to us, especially when we aim to instill coherency as we improvise, and when we encounter unfamiliar territory as we image-make. We experiment with different aspects of our performance presence, including how to bridge so-called transitions and draw-deflect-redirect attention.

Open to movers, dancers, actors, etc -- folks from all disciplines and training backgrounds, “beginners” and professionals.

Date and time: Saturday, December 11th 12 - 4:30pm

Location: The Yellow Barn, 416 West Huron St., Ann Arbor

Cost: sliding scale $50-$35 (includes free admission to evening performance event)

t h e J O Y

o f M A N I P U L A T I O N, Contact Improvisation Class

This class looks at how manipulating & and being manipulated by our partner(s) can be a tool for breaking long-entrenched movement habits and a source for increasing our creativity range.

As the “Giver” –

What are different approaches to guiding and directing my partner?

What are the dis/advantages in making my intentions transparent to my partner?

As the “Receiver” –

How can I give myself completely to the whims of my partner or actively resist and work against her impulses?

How can I shift back and forth between the two in different ways?

JOY MANIPULATION will enter different landscapes of harmonious struggle and discover new vistas of collaborative conflict, scratching the edges of our perceived physical and mental boundaries.

Class date and time: Sunday, December 12, 11am-1pm with contact jam to follow from 1-3pm

Location: The Phoenix Center, 220 Main St. (above Elmo's), Ann Arbor

Cost: sliding scale $20-10

*****Note: Discounted tuition for attending both classes -- $45 Also note that the class and workshop are in different spaces*****

Our weekly jams have been a blast, and continue through the Fall, Sundays 1-3PM!