A weekend of Contact Improv dance in the Motor City, May 4-6!
It's Mini-G in The D!
Registration below, and at
Friday Evening will begin with a Fundamentals of CI workshop.
Saturday and Sunday will include workshops, guided warmups, open jamming, general silliness, and all of the magic that YOU bring.
Pam Johnson of Toronto will be our teacher and guide for the weekend. She has been dancing, choreographing and teaching for 25 years. She has performed for many choreographers and presented her own choreography across Canada. She also works in theatre, film, television and opera. Pam specializes in performing and teaching Contact Improvisation. She is co-artistic director of the Festival Of Interactive Physics and a facilitator of the North by Northeast Contact Network. She can be found most Sundays practicing at the 30 year old Toronto Sunday Contact Jam .
This Mini-GLACIER event is part of Great Lakes Area Contact Improv Enthusiast Retreat family of dance gatherings.
-----> REGISTRATION <-----
FEES (circle your options and fill in the total, US Dollars):
$95 - Whole Enchilada (3 days + food*)
$65 - Weekend w/o food (bring all your own ready-to-eat food)
$15-25 - Friday night only (sliding scale. class, snacks, jam)
$50 - Saturday only with lunch
$40 - Saturday only without food (bring all your own ready-to-eat food).
Please add $15 late fee if postmarked/sent after April 20th.
______ - Total [a]
______ - amount submitted with registration (make checks to "Andy Seiler") [b]
______ - amount due at start of workshop [a-b]
A $40 non-refundable deposit is required with your registration form (except Friday only). We really
appreciate receiving your full fee with registration asap to help our cash flow.
Dietary Restrictions (describe):
*Food includes hearty snacks Friday evening, snacks all weekend, and
lunch Saturday and Sunday. Lots of great Mexican and other
international food is available in the neighborhood for dinners Saturday
and Sunday.
Hospitality Needed: Y / N
Please describe your minimum housing requirements, allergies, etc. for a comfortable rest. We'll do our
best to match you with a local dancer.
Work Study Scholarship Request: Y / N
We have a few partial-tuition scholarships in exchange for labor
(doorkeeping, cleaning, food prep) during the weekend. Please attach a
letter with your registration & deposit, describing your
circumstance, need, and ability to work.
Email above info to contactimprovannarbor at gmail dot com.
Sunday Jams continue to be great fun, with more people than ever as of April Fools! 1-3PM at the Phoenix Center