Monday, January 26, 2009

Dressup Jam to be another day

Hi Dancers,
This Sunday, February 1st, we'll have a beginner class from 1-2, then jam from 2-3:30. We discussed having everyone dress up in fancy clothes or costumes, but it isn't the best week for that to happen, so we'll just talk about it again in the future and decide a better day. Of course, anyone can wear anything they want anytime, but just know you might be out there on your own this week!

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Dressup jam

Jams for the new year are off to a great start. The regular jam will be this week, then in two weeks, Feb 1st, we're planning to come dressed up! It could be costume, fancy clothes, or whatever you like. It may take some creativity to dance contact, but we'll figure it out, I'm sure. Hope to see you there!