Thursday, February 26, 2009

No beginner class for March

Unfortunately, it looks like we won't have a beginner class this Sunday, but we will have the jam, and, as always, we're really good at folding newcomers in and showing them some basics one-on-one, so it's still great to come. Thanks door-opening volunteers! I hope to see you all again soon.

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Jams back home

Last weekend's performance and jam were really great, and today we're back to celebrate at our usual location at the Academe. Next week we'll have the beginner class, right on March first. Hope to see you soon.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

A very different jam this weekend!

This Sunday several of our dancers will be performing at the Museum of Contemporary Art Detroit. There is an event from 12-4 on Repetition and Art. The performance is at 1:15, immediately followed by an intergenerational improvisation workshop. Since so many of us will be there, we will meet there *instead* of our regular jam time and place. There may be a more focused contact improv jam in Southwest Detroit starting at 6PM--please call Cara at 313-585-2598 to RSVP for that. Otherwise we'll see you at MOCAD!

See also for more info.